Works in Progress
Wild Fires focuses on the lives of Edmonia Lewis (c.1845-1911), who is the first woman of African-American heritage to earn an international reputation as a visual artist, and Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller (1877-1968), who is the first woman of African-American heritage to use African themes in her artwork. By incorporating tools from playwrighting, memoir, film, and fiction writing, I have created an original form in order to write an artistic exploration of these two remarkable women. The book is titled Ethiopia Awakening. Peppered into the stories of these two sculptors are my struggles as an African-American woman facing writer’s block, making the book in dramatic meditation. The three lives connect through a variety of themes, such as race, art, education, loss, family, death, and place (New York, Boston, France, Italy).
Wild Fires focuses on the lives of Edmonia Lewis (c.1845-1911), who is the first woman of African-American heritage to earn an international reputation as a visual artist, and Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller (1877-1968), who is the first woman of African-American heritage to use African themes in her artwork. By incorporating tools from playwrighting, memoir, film, and fiction writing, I have created an original form in order to write an artistic exploration of these two remarkable women. The book is titled Ethiopia Awakening. Peppered into the stories of these two sculptors are my struggles as an African-American woman facing writer’s block, making the book in dramatic meditation. The three lives connect through a variety of themes, such as race, art, education, loss, family, death, and place (New York, Boston, France, Italy).